Where did it go? Understanding object permanence
Cognitive development

Where did it go? Understanding object permanence

Object permanence tells us that an object (or person) continues to exist even when we can’t see or hear it.

ActivityPlay Schemas - what are they and how to make the most of them - Part 2: Placement

Play Schemas - what are they and how to make the most of them - Part 2: Placement

Picking up a dropped toy for the hundredth time can be frustrating, but knowing that your baby is making massive mental leaps through this type of play does help you feel a little more at ease.

ActivityPlay Schemas- What are they and how to make the most of them. Part 1: Movement

Play Schemas- What are they and how to make the most of them. Part 1: Movement

Have you ever heard that it takes 10,000 hours to master a new skill?

Cognitive developmentWhat is open-ended play?

What is open-ended play?

Open-ended play is a great way to teach your baby independent play, but also creativity, imagination and decision-making skills.

ActivityHow to set up your baby’s play space

كيف تجهزين مساحة اللعب الخاصة بطفلك؟

Creating a safe and stimulating play space for your baby shouldn’t be this hard, right? Read on to see how you can do it today.

ActivityTop 10 Montessori toys for baby’s first year

أفضل 10 ألعاب مونتيسوري للعام الأول من عمر الطفل

Help your baby reach his cognitive, physical, social, and emotional milestones with our top 10 Montessori toys for baby’s first year.

ActivityWhy wooden toys are the best

ما سبب تفضيل الألعاب الخشبية على الألعاب الأخرى؟

Besides being beautiful, wooden toys offer a variety of benefits. Read on to see why we love wooden toys for babies.

11-12 monthWeek 45: The wonders of containers (and how to play)

الاسبوع 45 :أفكار إبداعية لاستغلال العلب وطرق اللعب بها

The humble container offers plenty of opportunities for purposeful play. Here’s our favorite ways to play!

11-12 monthWeek 48: Why you should let your son play with dolls

الاسبوع 48 :لا تمنعي ابنك من اللعب بالعرائس

Any toy can provide a learning experience for your baby. Learn why it’s important to include a doll on your baby’s toy shelf.

11-12 monthWeek 47: How to help baby learn to walk

الاسبوع 47 :كيف تساعدين طفلك على تعلم المشي؟

Is your baby walking yet? Don’t worry if they’re not! Here are some ideas on how to help your baby learn to walk.