Child exploring a toy box with various locks and latches, engaging in a Montessori-inspired activity that promotes fine motor skills and problem-solving
21-22 months

Week 86: Montessori Practical Life Skills

Montessori practical life skills help your toddler build independence and confidence. Discover simple activities that you can incorporate into daily routines.

Montessori learningWhy wooden toys are the best your child's development and growth

Why wooden toys are the best your child's development and growth

Toys are a big part of any child's development and growth. As babies grow into toddlers, then into children, they love to explore and understand the world around them, and toys are an excellent way...

ActivityPlay Schemas - what are they and how to make the most of them - Part 2: Placement

Play Schemas - what are they and how to make the most of them - Part 2: Placement

Picking up a dropped toy for the hundredth time can be frustrating, but knowing that your baby is making massive mental leaps through this type of play does help you feel a little more at ease.

ActivityPlay Schemas- What are they and how to make the most of them. Part 1: Movement

Play Schemas- What are they and how to make the most of them. Part 1: Movement

Have you ever heard that it takes 10,000 hours to master a new skill?

ActivityHow to set up your baby’s play space

كيف تجهزين مساحة اللعب الخاصة بطفلك؟

Creating a safe and stimulating play space for your baby shouldn’t be this hard, right? Read on to see how you can do it today.

ActivityTop 10 Montessori toys for baby’s first year

أفضل 10 ألعاب مونتيسوري للعام الأول من عمر الطفل

Help your baby reach his cognitive, physical, social, and emotional milestones with our top 10 Montessori toys for baby’s first year.

ActivityWhy wooden toys are the best

ما سبب تفضيل الألعاب الخشبية على الألعاب الأخرى؟

Besides being beautiful, wooden toys offer a variety of benefits. Read on to see why we love wooden toys for babies.

9-10 monthWeek 37: Baby sign language- why and when to start.

الاسبوع 37: استخدام لغة الإشارة في التواصل مع الطفل – هل هي فكرة جيدة؟

Teaching your baby sign language can be very rewarding for you both. Learn why we love it and how you can start today.

7-8 monthWeek 33: Why your baby loves knocking down cups

الاسبوع 33 :لماذا يستمتع طفلك بإسقاط الأكواب؟

Enjoy the many benefits of destructive play with your baby! Learn why this phase of development is crucial and how to support it.

7-8 monthWeek 32: Why is it important to let your baby struggle?

الاسبوع 32 :لا تساعدي طفلك في كل شيء

Frustrations are inevitable as babies strive to learn new skills, but here is how you can help manage big feelings for your little one.