19-20 months

Week 78: Making the Move to a Toddler Bed

Mother gently soothing her toddler to sleep creating a calming and comforting bedtime routine.

Have you noticed signs that your child is ready for a toddler bed? If you’ve decided now is the right time to make the shift, here are a few tips to make this a smooth transition:

Tips for a Smooth Transition

1. Gradually Introduce the Idea

Introduce the idea of a toddler bed gradually. Talk positively about the new bed, read books about transitioning to a big kid bed, or let your child see other toddlers enjoying their beds. This helps build excitement and reduces anxiety.

2. Involve Your Child in the Process

Involve your child in the decision-making process. Let them choose bedding or a favorite stuffed animal to have in the new bed. This gives them a sense of ownership and can make them more eager to embrace the change.

3. Keep Locations Familiar

If possible, place the toddler bed in the same place as the crib. This maintains a sense of familiarity and helps your child feel more comfortable in the new sleeping arrangement. Try to keep the same bedtime routine as much as possible. Consistency is reassuring for toddlers, and it signals that bedtime remains a secure and predictable time.

4. Prioritize Safety

Ensure the toddler bed is safe by using bed rails to prevent falls. Place the mattress directly on the floor for added safety during the transition. This helps your toddler feel secure in their new space.

5. Offer Positive Reinforcement

Praise your child when they use their new bed. Positive reinforcement can help build confidence and create a positive association with the new sleeping arrangement. Celebrating small successes can go a long way.

6. Offer Comfort Objects

Let your child have familiar comfort objects in the new bed, like a favorite blanket or stuffed animal. These items provide a sense of security and help ease the transition.


Remember that each child is unique, and transitioning to a toddler bed may take time! By approaching it with patience, positivity, and a sense of adventure, you can help your child feel more comfortable in their new sleeping arrangement.

قراءة التالي

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