19-20 months

Week 77: Signs Your Child is Ready for a ‘Big Kid’ Bed

Child lying on the floor with toy

Toddlers love climbing. They view almost any structure, including their cribs, as an exciting opportunity. On the flip side, some toddlers are perfectly content staying in their cribs well into their third year. Some signs may indicate that your child is ready for a bed, but it's really up to you to decide. If you and your little one are comfortable with the current arrangement, there's no need to rush the transition. That being said, some circumstances can force your hand.

Signs Your Toddler is Ready for a Big Kid Bed

1. Age

Most children transition to a toddler bed between 18 months and 3 years. Since this is such a long period, we should consider our little ones' individual development and readiness before making any major changes they might not be ready for.

2. Climbing Out of the Crib

You might want to consider shifting to a toddler bed if your child has started attempting to climb the crib. These actions are a cause for concern, and moving to a toddler bed can prevent potential falls.

3. Interest and Excitement

If your toddler expresses interest or excitement about the idea of sleeping in a "big kid" bed, it could be a good time to start thinking about making the transition.

4. Potty Training Readiness

Suppose your toddler is showing signs of readiness for potty training. In that case, it might be an appropriate time for the transition to a toddler bed, as they may need easier access to the bathroom.

5. Sleep Patterns

Has your child consistently slept well in the crib and established a bedtime routine? This is another sign that they could be ready for the transition.

Remember that each child is unique, and readiness for a toddler bed varies. Pay attention to your toddler's cues, and make the transition when you feel confident that they are physically and emotionally ready for this new phase.

قراءة التالي

Toddler involved in destructive play, such as knocking over building blocks or throwing toys
Mother gently soothing her toddler to sleep creating a calming and comforting bedtime routine.