15-16 month

Week 63: Fun and Safe Climbing Activities for Your Toddler

Toddler climbing on a soft cushion tower, engaging in safe and fun gross motor activities

As toddlers grow, they become more adventurous, often attempting to climb anything they can reach. While this stage is crucial for developing gross motor skills and strength, ensuring that their climbing activities are safe is essential.

Expert Tips for Safe Climbing Activities:

  • Create an Indoor Obstacle Course:
    Turn your living room into a mini playground with an indoor obstacle course. Use couch cushions, pillows, and sturdy furniture to create safe climbing opportunities. Encourage your toddler to crawl under tables, step over cushions, and climb onto low surfaces. This not only satisfies their need to climb but also helps develop coordination and balance.
  • Incorporate Toddler Yoga:
    Yoga is a fantastic way to enhance your toddler’s strength, flexibility, and balance. Simple poses like downward dog or cat-cow can mimic climbing movements while providing a safe and controlled environment for your child to explore their body’s capabilities. Yoga also promotes mindfulness and can help your toddler learn to focus their energy.
  • Build a Giant Block Tower:
    Use large, soft blocks to build a tower that your toddler can safely climb on and off. This activity combines cognitive development with physical play, as they learn to balance and navigate different heights. Make sure the blocks are stable and cushioned to prevent falls.
  • Supervise Climbing on Stairs:
    If your home has stairs, they can be an excellent place for supervised climbing practice. Hold your toddler’s hand and guide them as they ascend and descend the stairs. This activity strengthens their legs and teaches them about balance and coordination in a controlled setting.
  • Encourage Outdoor Exploration:
    Take advantage of outdoor spaces like parks or playgrounds where your toddler can climb safely. Structures designed for young children, such as low jungle gyms or small climbing walls, offer a great way for them to practice climbing under your supervision. Always ensure that the equipment is age-appropriate and in good condition.


Climbing is a natural and essential part of your toddler’s development. By providing safe and fun climbing opportunities, you can support their gross motor skill development and help them build the strength and coordination they need as they grow.

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