21-22 months

Week 92: Easy Science Activities

Two toddlers exploring and playing with toys taken out of a water sensory box.

Introducing your toddler to science early on is a fantastic way to cultivate a love for learning and curiosity about the world around them. These simple and engaging activities are designed to be both educational and fun, helping your child explore basic scientific concepts.

1. Color Mixing

Fill clear containers with water and add a few drops of primary color food coloring (red, blue, yellow). Let your toddler mix the colors and observe how they change. This activity teaches them about primary and secondary colors and introduces them to the concept of chemical reactions.

2. Magnet Exploration

Provide toddler-safe magnets and a variety of objects made from different materials (e.g., plastic, metal, cardboard). Let your toddler explore which objects are attracted to the magnets and which are not. This activity introduces them to the concept of magnetism and encourages critical thinking.

3. Shadow Play

On a sunny day, take your toddler outside and explore shadows together. Use toys or your hands to cast shadows on the ground and discuss how they change with the sun’s position. This is a fun way to introduce the concept of light and shadows.

4. Playdough Volcanoes

Create a mini-volcano using playdough. Add baking soda and a few drops of dish soap inside the volcano, then pour vinegar over it to create a bubbly eruption. This classic science experiment is a hit with toddlers and teaches them about chemical reactions.

5. Homemade Rain Cloud

Fill a clear container with water and place a shaving cream “cloud” on top. Use droppers to add colored water to the cloud and watch as the “rain” falls through the cloud into the water below. This activity is a great way to introduce your child to the water cycle.

6. Balloon Static Electricity

Rub a balloon against your hair to create static electricity. Use the balloon to lift small pieces of paper or hair strands, and explain the concept of static electricity. It’s a fun, hands-on way to explore the forces of attraction and repulsion.

These easy science activities are perfect for sparking your toddler’s curiosity and introducing them to basic scientific concepts. By engaging in these fun experiments, your child will learn valuable lessons about the world around them while developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Science doesn’t have to be complicated—it can be as simple as playing with shadows or mixing colors!

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Mom and toddler exploring items in a sensory box together.
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